FAME Solutions, Belgrade
is a film distribution and promotion company, also engaged as marketing and promotions partner for the events in the cultural life of the West Balkans.
FAME Solutions is focused on the regional product, European movies and festival services. We have positioned ourselves as a dedicated distributor of domestic titles and with great effort and creativity we enjoy releasing animated product.
Acquisition partner to Programs4Media, distribution company acquiring rights for Romania and Bulgaria. Event Cinema Association member, acquiring rights for alternative cinema content such as opera, ballet and concerts for cinema exhibition.
FAME Solutions is the executive producer of the Comedy Fest – an international comedy festival, focused on the European comedies and for two years now we are in charge for marketing and promotion of the BELDOCS festival. We have introduced the greatest opera and ballet performances from leading European stages to the audience in several cities in Serbia as a part of Dance Dialogues and Opera Gala project.

Marko Ckonjevic - The founder
Marko has been in distribution and promotion of film and various formats in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years. He made his first steps in this branch in Tuck Vision distribution company, where he got immense professional experience and skills, with Hollywood studios Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox and Sony Pictures Entertainment. He understands audience and market in the best possible way, which also makes him successful strategist in positioning films both in domestic and regional markets. He is also an expert in realization and promotion of various events-during his career he has been the executive producer of numerous film festivals and events such as Cinemania, FAF… At the moment, he is the head of BELDOCS promotion team. His working experience also include McCann Belgrade, Strawberry I & S marketing agency, Tiffany Production and MegaComFilm. He was a regional marketing director of Cineplexx cinema chain for three years before he founded his own company FAME Solutions. He is Anna’s and Martha’s dad.
Contact : marko.ckonjevic@famesolutions.rs
+381 60 678 9138

Petar Madzic - Booking manager
Worked in cinema and home entertainment, in charge for developing and maintaining good working relations with the Exhibitors creating dating and release strategies; Monitoring competition; Responsible for general reporting including annual reports on market development, trends, industry issues and company performance.
Contact: petar.madzic@famesolutions.rs
+381 62 246 142

Aleksandar Bacic - Art director
More than ten years of experience in various design disciplines and working in different environments ranging from startups to big corporate teams. Keen interest in design for cultural products led to working on a number of projects including key visuals for movies and cinema releases and theatre plays, international festival key art and socially engaged projects. Oversees production of all ATL and BTL marketing materials.
Contact : aleksandar@famesolutions.rs
+381 64 172 3036
FAME Solutions iz Beograda je kompanija za distribuciju i promociju filmova. Takođe, deo našeg posla su i usluge marketinških i promotivnih aktivnosti za događaje u kulturi na tržištima Zapadnog Balkana.
FAME Solutions je izvršni producent PRVOG MEĐUNARODNOG FESTIVALA FILMSKE KOMEDIJE na kome je u 5 gradova i 10 bisokopa prikazanao 15 premijernih i preko 50 repriznih filmova.
U 2016. FAME Solutions je pustio u bioskope 3 domaća i 8 stranih filmova od čega su “Dobra Žena” i “Otadžbina” prikazani na Festu 2016. Takođe, u 2016. distribuirali smo film “Igla ispod praga”, crnogorskog kandidata za Oskara.
FAME Solutions je na Festu 2017. prikazao domaći film “Afterparti”, Luke Bursaća, ali i višestruko nagrađivani “Po cenu života” (Hell or high Water) i najnoviji film irskog reditelja Džima Šeridana “Tajni zapis” ( Secret Scripture).
Pored toga FAME Solutions ima protokol o saradnji sa BELDOCS festivalom, kao partner za promociju 2016. i 2017.
FAME Solutions je vaš pouzdan partner u distribuciji filmova, kao i za promociju i vidljivost vaših događaja.